Present: Montgomery (James), George (Gaz)
Szölôs snook off whilst the party watched the circus show and found out that the sorcerers in Karlstadt, the Seven, have a bounty placed on their head by the Bishop-Prince of Würzburg. The party set out for Karlstad as Montgomery has hatched a plan to convince the Seven to help the party feign their death and split the reward.
Whilst breaking for lunch on the road the party observe that an unkempt woman carrying a large sword and clad in a makeshift armour of chopping boards is stalking towards them. The party watch her try to sneak up on them and whilst Montgomery hides in the brushes George calls out to her. She shouts at the party in German and attacks! Despite her appearance the woman is a hardened fighter and nearly takes out both George and Szölós. The party are finally able to take her down with a dagger attack from Montgomery and toss the corpse into the bushes before continuing on their way to Karlstadt.
Upon arriving at Karlstadt Montgomery decides he’ll pretend to be an envoy from England with George playing the part of his remaining guard and Szölós as his translator. Unfortunately the party have arrived after the gates have been closed for the day and despite Montgomery informing the bridge guard captain Dieter that he is an envoy of the crown on a humanitarian mission (his tale weakened by his lack of papers, though he suggests their injuries were received by robbers who took their papers) the guard refuse to allow him entry until the gates are opened as usual at 11:00 the following day.
The party retreat a ways up the river and find an abandoned farm house to rest in. The following morning they spot a cloaked man watching the farmhouse, who had also been observing them at the bridge. They confront the man who makes excuses as he retreats.
Arriving at the bridge into Karlstadt after noon the next day the party find it is once again closed and Montgomery, under his guise as a diplomat, kicks up a stink and threatens to have the captain hung. When his bluff continues to fail he tells the guard to inform Capt Dieter that the deal, and alliance of the crown, are off!
As they make their way away from the bridge they see the same cloaked man again. He introduces himself as someone who can get things into Karlstadt. The party have no coin but after some promises of wealth, and thanks to Montgomery’s continued bluff, the smugglers are willing to take weapons as down payment and get the party into the town. They let them know that weapons are illegal in the town and will be confiscated, but even still the party are unwilling to give up all of their weapons and pay with the greatsword, light crossbow and 10sp.