Hell’s Rebels Session 1 – A lovely day to riot

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben)

The three characters each had their reasons to head to the protest in Aria Park (Ista and Quill were meeting a contact, Zathras was tagging along). They spotted a fourth stand-out member of the protest, clad like the Dottari with the Thrune crest scraped off his shield.

Quill and Ista recognised the undercurrent in the crowd and were prepared for trouble. When Barzillai made his eighth proclamation and the crowd reacted negatively the party fell in on the former Dottari and thanks to Zathras’ magic the unveiled thugs were quickly put down.

Barzillai’s henchman, Nox, recovered quickly from a fatal looking dagger to the threat launched from the crowd and directed two Dottari at the party. The party made short work of them and fled the panic at the park.

As the party regrouped and made introductions away from the park, the fourth man is Pavo,  the sounds of combat and a cry of pain were heard nearby. The party descended on the scene and saw a well dressed man on the floor surrounded by Chelish Citizen Group thugs ready to strike the final blow. The bodies of other thugs littered the street nearby.

The party sprang to the man’s defence and quickly cowed the thugs with the two remaining thugs fleeing the scene. As the dazed man drew himself to his feet, swigging a healing potion, the party spotted he had one hand gloved and the other not – the sign of the contact both Ista and Quill were hoping to meet.

The man greeted them warmly and invited the party to follow him to a safe place to talk.