Hell’s Rebels Session 2 – Seeds of a rebellion

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben), Dwali Fletcher (Dave)

The rescued man takes the party (now united with Dwali) to back rooms of a bookstore and introduces himself as Rexus Vicotora. His family estate was burned on the Night of Ashes, his parents have gone missing and his last communication from his mother (the head of the local Sacred Order of Archivists) suggests he investigate a lead she had on the Silver Ravens.

He had identified Quill and Ista as possible allies and hopes all of the party will help him to reestablish the Silver Ravens. His mother left him a small inheritance which he gladly gifts to the party when they agree to help him.

More formal introductions are made of the members and their abilities whilst the party rest before they set off to investigate the Fair Fortune Livery, a suspected hideout of the original Silver Ravens.

Upon arrival the dogs which made their home there were knocked unconscious and the party found their way through a secret door and underground, quickly dispatching some dire rats which leaped out to try and feast on them.

What else lies beneath this abandoned stable remains to be seen.