Hell’s Rebels Session 3 – A Silver Raven’s cache

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Dwali Fletcher (Dave)

After some more poltergeist-like activity with the dire rat’s corpses the party head deeper into the complex beneath the Fair Fortune Livery. They are immediately confronted by what Ista identifies as a Grimple which vomits on Quill. The five Grimple’s defend their nest with magic and rancid special attacks but are no match for the party of heroes, they slay the gremlins and take their treasure horde before heading deeper beneath the stables.

The cavernous room at the bottom of the stairs is covered in Infernal markings which Ista identifies as attempts to open a gate to hell. Whilst it’s defunct now it must have worked once as two minor devils are lounging in the fetid pool of water which fills the rooms other major feature — a ginormous basin.

The two hell-spawn lurch to attack the party. Dwali and Quill decide to head deeper into the complex in the hopes of finding weapons which can vanquish the fiends whilst Ista draws the silver Vicotora heirloom dagger. One fiend chases Dwali and Quill whilst Pavo distracts the other and Ista slays it.

In the chambers at the end of the complex there are signs of an old hideout but no immediately obvious weapons or aide. Dwali falls on some crates, still hoping to find something whilst Quill draws his pistol and turns to face the pursuing fiend.

The others are blinded as Quill carries the only torch but do their best to follow the noise and flickering lights to aide their companions. Quill and Ista are able to vanquish the remaining fiend and the party gather to inspect the crate’s contents. Within are figurines of silver ravens, icons of the old Kintargan rebellion, sundry other trinkets and a locked iron coffer.

Rexus leads the party to the coffeehouse of his mother’s friend, Laria Longwood — an agent of the Bellflower Network, who welcomes allies that would found a rebellion; the Silver Raven’s reborn. The party break open the iron coffer and find hundreds of pages of enciphered documents in a mixture of languages which seem likely to offer insight into the Silver Ravens of old, so long as someone (either Ista or Rexus) can decipher them. The items from the old hideout are identified and divvied out.

Laria offers the party a bunkroom in her coffeehouse and the use of her cellars as an interim headquarters whilst the Bellflower network are out of action, so long as they first find out what happened to her smuggler friend who was making use of the cellars (and why there is monstrous laughter coming from down there).

The party haven’t forgotten the saltworks and resolve to head there just as soon as they’ve investigated their new hideout.