Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben)
At Laria Longroad’s request the party head into the basement of the Longroad’s coffee house to investigate the noises and find out what happened to her acquaintance.
The party quickly discover a statue to Calistria, the Elven goddess of revenge and lust, half-submerged in stagnant water into which runs a small jetty. Wedged beneath the jetty is a half-eaten body. Dwali, Ista and Quill heft the body out of the water whilst the easily-distracted Zathras heads into a large chamber to further explore.
Upon entering the chamber the Gnome Wizard is set upon by a humanoid crow. The party are quick to come to his aide and the dire corby is put down easily.
Returning to the corpse the party try to determine whether it was the dire corby who ate the man. Figuring out it was something much larger Zathras uses his innate gnomish magics to try and illuminate the water. The jaws of a large white lizard snap out of the water at the dancing lights. Zathras continues to use the lights to lure the creature from the water where Dwali intercepts with his scythe it and keeps it busy whilst Ista and Quill attack it from range.
With the lizard vanquished and the remains of a man they assume to be Laria’s friend recovered the party consider returning to the shop only to realise that as this basement could be their base of operations for a while they should probably be thorough.
Heading South into a large storage room some of the party see humanoid figures flitting about in the darkness. As Zathras uses his Mage Hand to carry the lantern about the room a Tengu steps out of hiding and confronts the party.
The party do an excellent job of earning the trust of Korva Fushi and her sisters (Jay, Maggie and Treep), they learned of their backstory and why they were fleeing Riddleport and made an offer for the sisters to be able to continue to stay in the Wasp’s Nest in greater comfort and join their budding rebellion as messengers and spies.
Ista informs Laria of their discovery and asks her what she’d like them to do with the body. She’d rather leave Nan to Pharasma’s fate than see him burned on an Asmodean pyre so the party dispose of his body in the same water they found it in.
With their new hideout cleared and their first set of recruits the rebels turn to what’s next. They are each still keen to clear the salt works, especially Dwali who hopes to find his father there.