Hell’s Rebels Session 5 – Prisoners of Salt

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben)

Our heroes took a day to recuperate, purchase equipment, craft ammo, begin investigating the Silver Raven’s document cache and check in on the faithful of Erastil. Whilst they were otherwise engaged the party asked Korva and her sisters to investigate the Sallix Salt Works.

The sisters return to debrief Laria and the party, telling them of the dwarf who now runs the salt works with the prisoners working as slaves. Laria adds that a sometime ally of hers who leads a mercenary group, Forvian Crowe, is within and could be a friend to their rebellion.

The party set out to investigate the area further, with Ista looking to gather information and the others looking to perform reconnaissance on the Salt Works. Ista is able to discover that the dwarf, Kosrani, is not well loved. In the meantime Quill, Dwali and Zathras have scoped the place out and decided on a bold frontal assault to catch the guards unaware.

After securing cloaks to help the prisoners hide and using rope from the work yard to seal the room the night shift are sleeping in the party enter through the front door and immediately attack the dwarf in charge.

His men scramble to his aid but our heroes are too strong. Dwali anchors the party front line; his modest armour and quick reflexes turn all blows. Zathras uses his magic to put two of the guard to sleep and cover the noise from the fight. Quill’s gun is blazing and takes down a guard who attempts to tackle Zathras. Ista sneaks in through the rear entrance and watches the company’s back. The battle is brief, Dwali and Quill drop the dwarf.

With their leader taken down the mercenary guard are stripped of their weapons and locked up. The prisoners are freed with the makeshift cloaks to help cover their escape.

Quill invites Forvian to meet them on the morrow before he too departs.

The party strip the dwarf mercenary of his equipment, all of the weapons and equipment are taken back to their hideout to arm and fund the rebellion.