Shadowbrook Manor (IV)


  • Abram – Human Wizard (Myk)
  • Gallius – Tiefling Bard (Gaz)
  • Kantor – Half Orc Cleric (Hag)


Gallius asks Giles who owns Shadowbrook Manor. He knows only that it has been abandoned for generations and that Lady Nophyia or Soma, her Reeve in Tolm, will know more. Giles tells Gallius that he might find Soma at the gatehouse and, when asked what she likes, that she is partial to nice tea and complains about the “piss water” available in Tolm.

Gallius sets about trying to obtain some nice tea from a spice merchant in the market square. The tea has a storied history and Gallius barters with the merchant for an agreeable price.

Once acquired Kantor asks what the purpose of the tea is and Gallius reveals his intention to take over Shadowbrook Manor and turn it into a place that is beneficial to Tolm and the area. Gallius plans to emphasise the danger of the place and how run-down it is, in an attempt to better his odds. Kantor things the proposal is stronger if they have Dom and the children, to demonstrate they can tackle the dangers of the manor. Gallius disagrees, stating their absence only emphasises his point.

The party head to the gatehouse and after a bit of resistance from the guard they are introduced to Soma, a woman of noble bearing her 40’s. Gallius leads “We come bearing a gift…” and explains the tale of the tea he has brought. Soma eagerly suggest Gallius brew the tea whilst he makes his request. She seems taken by the Bard and offers an above board and law clad method of acquiring the house, by her signing over the paperwork and him paying taxes to Lady Nophyia. She also suggests he might try just squatting in the manor, but that could lead to someone else laying claim to the place with no defence on his part.

With a promise of the manor falling to them the party return to assess the situation. Kantor thinks there’s a chance that if the necromancer who raised them is killed the undead in the manor will cease to be…

Back at Shadowbrook Manor the party resume the search for Domino and follow his tracks into a gallery on the first floor. As Kantor investigates the tracks and Abram prepares a ritual Gallius views the painting and is consumed by desire to visit the site of the fourth painting, a smashed iron gate leading to a temple covered in blasphemous iconography. Domino lingered in front of a painting of a desert with pyramids in a ruined city which, upon viewing Gallius is drawn to this location too!

Following Domino’s tracks back out of the manor the party are immediately set upon by vampire bats. Before they’ve had chance to take action both Abram and Gallius are unconscious with bats attached and draining their blood. Kantor retreats into the manor pulling Gallius and casts healing magic on Abram. Coming to Abram is quick of wit and his magic saves the day as he puts the creatures to sleep, both those inside and latched on to characters and those out. When asleep they are quickly dispatched. The party decide against heading out at night and take refuge in the butler’s bedroom for a long rest.