Beyond Shadowbrook Manor


  • Abram – Human Wizard (Myk)
  • Izzero – Half Elf Barbarian (Dave)
  • Sylvester – Halfling Rogue (Ben)
  • Ulric – Hill Dwarf Druid (Gaz)


The party are set on leaving the manor and heading to the tomb. Gallius feels responsible for the manor and is worried of the inhabitants getting out, he plans to stay in Tolm and get a crew together to keep a watch over the manor and ensure nothing dangerous leaves. He had already been discussing the tomb with a friend, a local Druid named Ulric who lives out near the Fairwinters. Ulric knows the locale and should be able to help the party find the tomb.

In Tolm the party acquire some supplies for the road ahead. They are accosted in the street by a crone asking whether they have found Domino. She seems in some despair and wants to know how the people of Tolm can possibly ward against the Abductor, mentioning that more of the town’s young have been taken. Sylvester is confused; they have been in the manor the whole time and not seen any evidence of the abductions. After talking to Sylvester the crone leaves deeper in despair than when the discussion began, Izzero chases after her and reassures her that all will be well, after talking to the half elf she is off sharing the good news with folks she passes in the street.

Ulric returns homeward from his daily wanderings and sees six armed men guarding a suspicious looking wagon heading towards Tolm. It is locked up tight, like a transport for items of worth, but there are signs of movement from within. He returns to his home to stow his encumbering items, intending to intercept the wagon further down the road. As he departs his house he sees the magically illuminated staff of Abram and introduces himself to the party, he knows of their deeds from Gallius and would like to help them. However, first he intends to asses this wagon and its guard. Recognising Gallius’ friend the party are quick to join Ulric in investigating the wagon.

Seeing it approaching Sylvester climbs a tree overlooking the road, aiming to drop on top of the wagon. Unfortunately he is ill-suited to performing such deeds in the dark and lands in front of the wagon, rolling underneath before the driver or guard can see him. At the rear of the wagon he is unable to pick the lock on door without appropriate tools and so returns beneath the wagon and begins trying to lever the bottom of the wagon open.

Ulric and Izzero stand in the middle of the road and confront the wagon. The driver is abrasive and insists they get out of the way. One of the guards is more amenable and implores the party to step aside, reasoning that they are outnumbered and shouldn’t want any trouble. As they hear sounds from within the wagon Abram calls out that should there be someone inside the wagon in need of help they should knock. From beneath the wagon Sylvester knocks and the surprised driver remarks “you’ll feel the nine-tails for that!” as both sides engage.

Abram knocks out the wagon’s lamp making himself and Sylvester less effective but empowering Ulric and Izzero against blinded foes. As Ulric’s magic causes vines to entrap and grasp at the wagon the guard try and push it clear and fall back, but the party are intent and Izzero circles round to block the way. During the bloody battle one of the guards and the driver manage to escape whilst Izzero, Ulric and four of the guards are knocked unconscious. With only one guard remaining and Sylvester too far away to help the remaining guard strikes Abram a mortal wound and flees.

Sylvester makes a brief investigation of the wagon in the dark finding bloody bodies. He gather the fallen party members and waits for those who aren’t dead to regain consciousness.

Once Abram is buried will the party be distracted from the quest and pursue the wagon driver and guard? Or will they continue undeterred on their mission to the tomb in search of the missing children?