Starfinder core rulebook review — science-fantasy flavour

The setting section of the Starfinder Core Rulebook paints a very compelling picture of a universe crammed full with adventure.

The first section on the planets of the Pact Worlds is full of inspirational artwork, each of which will no doubt form the stage for many adventures. The descriptions were often tantalisingly terse in their detail, yet give plenty of ideas for how to flavour adventures set on those worlds, as well as hints of alien species to be detailed in future supplements.

Factions and organisations are next and was perhaps my favourite part of the Setting chapter. It left me feeling really excited to both play in and run adventures in this setting. Many organisations that characters will doubtless work for and aspire to join are detailed within; from the corporate faith organisation Abadarcorp, which has its fingers in most of the Pact World’s enterprises, to the Stewards, peacekeeping guardians of the Pact Worlds, each of the detailed organisations are rich with possibilities for adventure.

The section on threats is similarly evocative with potential, detailing several agents of major threats to the star system.

I have been excited by the possibilities of the Starfinder setting since first hearing of its development and seeing early concept art. I’m pleased to report it doesn’t disappoint and that, in much the same way that the Pathfinder campaign setting provides a setting which can host many styles of fantasy play, one can easily imagine telling stories which match all of the pop culture favourites within this setting.