Light before darkness


  • Brann — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave)
  • Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk)
  • Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag)
  • Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear)
  • Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz)


Arriving in Solemburg via a wrenching late night teleportation the party decide to find a tavern until daylight. Fortunately Tenoch is famliar with the streets of Solemburg from his time as a member of the city guard. Unfortunately his memory is clouded by drink and whilst he recalls the location of some taverns, he doesn’t recall why. The party travel to an inn named the Icy Hog on an otherwise quiet street in the merchant district. A visibly frosty hogs head hangs above the fireplace, despite the heat. Three wolves and a hairy innkeep by the name of Gasten Croon great them.

The party enjoy some time together and the inn’s supplies, as well as testing the apparent intelligence of the wolves who reside there. The wolves seem to be able to count money left for drinks and show the party members to their room when they retire.

Slyvestor attempts to use the innate telepathy he’s gained since becoming a Warlock to try and find some more information on the portal connecting his patron to the Gloam. As he sits in a trance-like, near slumber, state with his mind open a voice begins talking to him. Introducing itself as Ashkibar the voice states that they share the same patron but that Slyvestor has stolen Ashkibar’s position of preference and that she intends to rectify that situation. Slyvestor blusters, claiming he’s not scared but backs down when Ashkibar volunteers to meet him and settle their differences in Solemburg that evening.

The following morning most of the party go out into the city to replenish supplies and acquire new items. Deanna purchases some new armour, Ethan acquires some wizard’s materials, Slyvestor outfits himself with a new set of gear and Tenoch purchases some tattooing equipment.

Back at the inn Tenoch tattoos himself in the traditional style of his people and sheds his city clothing in favour of a more tribal look. The party share tales and songs before placing their weapons and “suspicious” equipment into Tenoch’s bag of holding and returning to tavern where they had originally emerged in Solemburg. Ethan advises they all remember this time spent together when they enter the Gloam, for him it is a happy memory.

Bribing the same server they return to the cellar and buff the group with magic (Deanna casting Bless and Tenoch casting Pass Without Trace) before heading back into the Gloam.

The alien plane immediately begins to seep into the party’s psyche and Deanna suffers with an apathetic malaise whilst Slyvestor seems to topple into delirious madness, almost revealing the party to the Drow guard by utilising magic as they passed through to the gates.

Outside the Dark City the party are able to learn that it has been eight days since they left the Gloam. Catch spent several days waiting for them before leaving. Tenoch transforms into a wolf in order to be able to better track Catch, only for the party to realise that Slyvestor has wandered off to “scout” in the wrong direction.

The deranged halfling is talking to what he thinks are long-lost relatives, only to have flashes of realisation that all is not right. Several gaunt, long-limbed humanoids are surrounding him as the party arrive to do battle with the creatures trying to harm to their ally. Fortunately they arrived in good time and the battle is won with minimal damage on the side of the heroes.