Biting back at the Supplicants


  • Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave)
  • Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk)
  • Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz)

With this having been announced as the season finale for my campaign Hag asked Gaz to drive Ethan and Ben asked Myk to drive Slyvestor. When intentions turned to parlay Slyvestor ended up having the most lines… a doubly unexpected situation, but Myk channeled Sly well.


Either the week of real-world time between sessions, or the roster change of players, changed things enough that the party decided they didn’t want the fight which had seemed inevitable at the end of the last session. Zerkis, through Slyvestor’s telepathy, demands the party drop their weapons and after some back and forth Slyvestor (ably played by Myk) convinces the party to surrender their arms and armour.

The Supplicants strip the party of any obvious arms and armour before three of them lead the party from the tribute room. They are taken past the living area and given some porridge-like thing and left “alone”. They discuss various possible plans and following by some sage words by Tenoch all agree they need to recover their equipment.

The party plan to sneak into the display room and retrieve their equipment, resolving to deal with the Supplicants should they need to. After Deanna provides a distraction Sly sets off down the tunnel towards the display room with their equipment. Without the Lantern he must fumble around in the dark and although without sight he doesn’t manage to find their own equipment he does find some weapons to bring back to the party.

With the confidence of a weapon in hand the party stride into the display room intent on retrieving their equipment. The few Supplicants near the entrance and equipment piles fall away from the light shrouded and threatening intruders, shouting as they flee towards the dais and lectern at the rear of the room.

The party hastily don their equipment before Zerkis arrives. A brief parlay descends into combat and Tenoch, having transformed into a wild shape, leaps straight at the leader of the Supplicants and bites her head clean off. Her followers immediately lose their courage, drop their weapons and flee the room.

However the true master of the complex has returned and is ready to face the heroes – the Abductor is powerful and hardy, standing toe to toe with the party and both dealing and receiving heavy damage for several rounds before opening a portal and stepping through — the party forgot to use the cold iron spike to prevent the Abductor’s plane hopping abilities…

And thus concludes, rather anticlimactically, the stranger tales. The campaign is on hold as we’ve had a baby. Perhaps we’ll pick up the campaign again in future? The players indicated a strong desire to track down the Abductor and free Tolm from the beast. How will they track it? At least one player opined for the Gloam Scope…