S&S 16: Can’t Hold a Candle to Montague

Our party are:

  • Corwin: a curious fellow and agent of old Bes
  • Hector: a former slave with a painted face who wields magic through his poppet
  • Tallow: a creature of the sea with skills in the martial arts
  • William: a man of means with a taste for the sweet life

Waking before the rest of his companions Hector seeks signs of Montague. When none are found he spends time with his poppet preparing spells for the trials ahead, then identifies the wand retrieved from the stockade cabin as a wand of Cure Light Wounds. Hector uses the wand on Billy’s sleeping form only to have Billy mutter for his mother.

As Billy is brought up to speed on the events he’s missed, another seaman who was marooned in the storm comes across the camp and sneaks closer to see what he’s dealing with. Corwin hears the undine approach and after intent is made clear introductions are made and Tallow joins the away team in their mission to invade the Grindylow lair in search of survivors from that stormy night.

Having seen the winged insectoid creatures descend on Montague when he dove into the cove our party come up with a plan to draw them out and defeat them on dry land. Billy fires his musket at the overhang beneath which the creatures rest as his allies are arrayed about the cliff edge.

Eight of the creatures fly out when the musket shot hits the cliff side and swarm the party. Billy is immediately latched onto and the first few seconds of combat look bad as the pirates can’t land a blow on the tiny flying creatures and the creatures themselves latch on to various party members.

As the creatures begin to feast on the crew’s blood the crew’s resolve seems to firm. Alice tears through half of the critters and Billy’s musket finds new levels of accuracy. With only minor consequences of blood loss the plan seems to have been a success. Now the coast is clear to enter the cove in search of their missing crew mates.