S&S 20: Devilfish for Supper

Our crew are:

  • Corwin: a curious fellow and agent of old Bes
  • Hector: a former slave with a painted face who wields magic through his poppet
  • Riis: a well-dressed man, out of place
  • Tallow: a creature of the sea with skills in the martial arts
  • William: a man of means with a taste for the sweet life
  • Ole Yardley: a crazed old sailor who looks and smells like he should be dead

(Write up a little lighter than usual – technical issues made the session less smooth and GM note taking was minimal).

As the party withdraw from the cove and prepare to ascend the cliff face to rest in relative safety they hear the familiar, welcome, dulcet tones of Ole Yardley calling down to them. A reunion, tainted by the absence of Montague, and introductions take place whilst Hector uses the wand of cure light wounds to resuscitate Billy and restore the others to good health. A watch is posted whilst the crew get an uneasy yet uneventful night’s rest.

Aware of how little time they have left before the Man’s Promise is repaired and sets sail the crew head immediately back into the cove after their rest for a second attempt to defeat the Devilfish.

With two extra allies active in the fight the abberant sea creature was much less of a challenge, though still managed to land several heavy blows before Yardley ran it through.

Once the creature was bested the wand of cure light wounds was flourished once more as Hector set about ensuring all his allies were at peak health before entering what seemed to be the heart of the Grindylow lair.

At last the missing crew mates have been found, whether they can be saved or not remains to be seen, next time.