S&S 22: Fomenting mutiny

Our crew are:

  • Corwin: a curious fellow and agent of old Be
  • Hector: a former slave with a painted face who wields magic through his poppet
  • Ole Yardley: a crazed old sailor who looks and smells like he should be dead
  • Riis: a well-dressed man, out of place
  • Tallow: a creature of the sea with skills in the martial arts
  • William: a man of means with a taste for the sweet life

Thanks to Rosie’s information the crew know that they are likely to be walking into a perilous situation on the beach, so they set about making plans from the treeline.

Hector speaks decisively of having to confront Mr Plugg, rather than strike from the shadows, and calls for the rest of the away team and their new companions to aid him in relieving Plugg of his duty as interim captain of the Man’s Promise.

Riis and Tallow both seek passage off Bonewrack Isle and would be happy to do so on the Man’s Promise under a captain with whom they’ve fought on the isle. They both sign up for the battle ahead, as do Rosie and Sandara Quinn, the former being newly converted to the party’s cause since they rescued her from the Grindylow queen.

Hector sends Rosie and Sandara down to the beach to alert Ambrose Kroop to their presence and try and rally as much of the crew as possible to their cause. As they work through the assembed crew Hector speaks with Kroop, who commits his cleavers to the cause, however Rosie and Sandara are notices and Hector strides forth to confront Plugg and address the crew.

Mister Plugg has clearly been dressing down the crew and attempts to intimidate them into siding with him, whilst Hector offers the promise of a new arrangement under a new, more lenient, captain and officers.

All but the foppish gnome Conchobar Shortstone choose a side and Ole Yardley frightens the gnome into joining the side of the line which favours new leadership. As weapons are drawn Plugg eyes up the the two sides before calling out the impressed crewmates he’s butted heads with for so long.

(At this point technology turned against me and I was unable to operate Fantasy Grounds to run the combat, likely due to shoddy networking equipment…)