S&S 23: He’s the Captain Now

Our crew are:

  • Corwin: a curious fellow and agent of old Bes
  • Hector: a former slave with a painted face, who wields magic through his poppet
  • Ole Yardley: a crazed old sailor who looks and smells like he should be dead
  • Riis: a well-dressed man, out of place
  • Tallow: a creature of the sea with skills in the martial arts
  • William: a man of means with a taste for the sweet life

As lines in the sand and weapons are drawn the two factions of pirates eye eachother warily before Mr Plugg leaps to attack Hector. Within seconds the beach is ringing with the sounds of clashing blades and Yardley is the first to draw blood, that of Master Scourge. Scourge retaliates and, through fear or loyalty, several crew mates join him in the melee against the enlarged sea reaver but Yardley makes short work of Master Scourge, piercing him through.

The rain of blows from loyal crew members takes its toll and Yardley is downed, only to have Sandara Quinn restore him to the fray through the powers of Besmara. Plugg, having been harried by Tallow, Corwin and Riis, opts to withdraw from the combat but can’t escape the giant zombie pirate’s pike and is skewered in flight by Ole Yardley.

The pirates who sided with Plugg quickly surrender as Corwin hacks off Mr Plugg’s head and ties the head of the former upstart captain to his belt. Ole Yardley scoops up Master Scourge’s body and carrys it over his shoulder, muttering of plans in store.

As the surrendered crew members kneel in the sand Corwin puts a blade to Tam “Narwhal” Tate’s throat, but Hector talks him down. The new captain welcomes all to his crew for an opportunity at a more enjoyable and rewarding experience of the sweet life.

Mr Kroop suggests that the new captain may want to make some who were seen as loyal to Plugg prominent members of the new Man’s Promise, perhaps even officers. Sandara disagrees, suggesting it’s not neccesarry. Hector agrees to take their recommendations under advisement and turns to naming his officers:

  • Yardley – Boatswain and Master at Arms
  • Corwin – First Mate
  • William – Master Gunner
  • Tallow – Master of Sails
  • Riis – Quartermaster
  • Kroop – Ship’s Cook

There’s some discussion of renaming the Man’s Promise, which Ole Yardley states “sounds a bit soft” and Corwin is quick to pronounce that the ship can’t be renamed “until she’s out of water and has been squibbed”. Hector already has a name in mind, the Reaper, but agrees it’s best to wait until the ship is reborn before it is named.

As the officers are named they discuss how best to integrate those who were loyal to Plugg and Scourge and how to reward those who have been loyal allies to them. Positions are suggested for Sandara and Rosie, whilst Hector advises that all officers pick a mate to keep eye and ears on the ship’s rumours.

Corwin lays a claim to the Owlbear as First Mate’s mate… an unlikely candidate for officer, but perhaps a loyal one?

The Man’s Promise has a new captain, next it sets sail for the Slithering Coast and Rickety’s Squibs in order to be granted its new moniker.