Maekaga Primacy


Out in the Vast is a system where access to the Drift is unknown of. The system is under the dominion of the Maekaga Primacy, militant Hobgoblins headed by the Autarch and her Mystic right-hand the Presage.

While few inhabitants of the system have seen the Autarch, most know what she looks like because each of the matte grey armoured Enforcers that maintain the Primacy’s order wears a helm featuring a crimson mask depicting the Autarch’s face. That way everyone who defies an Enforcer knows they are defying the will of the Autarch herself.


Where do you come from? Obedience: the capital world of the system, where life is comfortable but obsessively regulated; Serfdom: the Primacy’s cradle – a low tech, agricultural world; Occlusion: a den of illicit activity – a space station at the far reaches of the system, untouched by the Primacy’s enforced order; or perhaps one of the smaller, less well known, settlements on any number of moons and asteroids throughout the system.

Why do you resist the Primacy? Perhaps you’re just caught up in all of this. Maybe you’re ideologically opposed but hadn’t felt empowered to act? You may actively oppose the Primacy through alignment with, or even membership of, the Dissenters. Or is your opposition more oblique and you are less opposed to the Primacy and instead an agent of the Orchestrators trying to bring Triune’s blessing of the Drift to the system.

Why are you in a Primacy holding cell? Perhaps you broke one of the Primacy’s myriad rules and laws, even a minor one, and are being made an example? Are guilty of sowing dissent? Suspected, or even proven, to be an ally of those who oppose the Primacy’s rule?

Do you have any ties with the other members of the team? Friends? Lovers? Crew mates? Or are you meeting for the first time in a Primacy holding cell.