Hell’s Rebels Session 10 – Uncovering the patsy

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Umo Ankora (James)

Morgar Manthai is dragged before the party and questioned. He reveals that he has been hearing voices which compelled him to sabotage the Wasp’s Nest and work against the Silver Raven’s. He last heard the voice coming from a rat in the room Quill and Rexus use for their work.

The party are unsympathetic to Morgar, condemn his actions and state that he should have come forward sooner. It’s decided that Dwali should hand-pick a jury of Silver Raven’s to decide what to do with Morgar in a form of trial, over which Quill will preside.

Our heroes follow up on the rumours from Morgar, determined to find out whether there’s any truth in them, scouring the wasp’s nest and interviewing members of the Silver Raven’s. Quill spots a rat and calls upon it to reveal itself. As it transforms into an impish figure it begins playing pan pipes and is surrounded by chittering rats.