Hell’s Rebels Session 12 – An old friend

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James)

After the trial the party are all happy with the outcome:

  • Quill got the outcome he wanted for Morgar, it felt right despite the roundabout route. Morgar’s leaving is for his own good. It’s good for that messy business to be over. He plans to escort Morgar out of Kintargo, meet up with his mentor Nalgard to discuss Bahram Xaxun and speak to Rexus about his research.
  • Umo accepts the judgement but is very unhappy with Soldar, who made a mockery of the trial. He thinks Soldar’s opinion is worth nothing.
  • Soldar is surprised at himself for speaking up and proud he stood up for what’s right. He felt it could easily have been him in Morgar’s place and, despite Umo having already decided Morgar was guilty, Quill and the court made a fair judgement.
  • Dwali believes the trial is a sign of a functioning community. He is driven by friendship to Quill, who saved his life and helped rescue his father. He believes in the Silver Raven’s cause, the community is in trouble and it’s his duty to stand up against their oppressors. He’d like to become Quill’s second in command and take care of day-to-day tasks whilst Quill leads.

At Dwali’s suggestion Quill speaks to the Raven’s about the trial, why it had to happen and the events which lead to it. The rebels seemed buoyed by the speech and cheered for Quill.

With that business done the party decide to use what’s left of the day to visit Quill’s mentor, Nalgard. Heading to the docks they stumble upon, and best, Dire Rats feasting on a corpse in the sewers.

On street level they are accosted by three red-cloaked Tieflings who expected the party to be a relatively easy mark, the Tiefling’s are mistaken and the party make short work of them.

The adventurers find Nalgard’s vessel in the port and are allowed on board by the ship’s mate Dastar. In the captains quarters Quill and Nalgard, an old dwarf with two white tufts of hair on either side of his head, are reunited. Quill asks about Bahram, whom Nalgard would rather flee from than face. Bahram represents a government whose city have a monopoly on the production of firearms and don’t take kindly to those who would teach others the skills to craft their own.

The only reason Nalgard is still in port is because his cargo is being held by the Dottari. The party volunteer to liberate the cargo and ask for Nalgard to escort Morgar away from Kintargo in return.

The front doors of the warehouse are guarded by two Dottari. Soldar begins scaling the wall of a nearby building to gain a better vantage, only is a little loud whilst doing so – attracting the attention of a three man patrol. After he ignores their calls and continues climbing two begin firing on him. The party engage. Umo swiftly fells the two Dottari on the front door whilst Quill and Dwali support Soldar in facing the patrol.

With the guard bested, but no idea how soon more will come, the party spring to action. Dwali and Umo secure the warehouse whilst Soldar keeps guard from a vantage point. Quill escorts Morgar to Nalgard’s ship to bring men who can help transport the cargo to the ship.