Imlit the Pink, a gnome wizard of some power and repute, keeps an eye over the area surrounding Tolm. She is known to occasionally show up at the Ettin’s Den for a few nights of discussion with Domino before disappearing (often literally) for months or years at a time. On her last visit she heard discouraging gossip of youngsters going missing, Domino having not returned from his search for them and a band of inexperienced (though well meaning) adventurers searching Shadowbrook Manor.
With the death of Abram and the party in tatters the quest for the tomb fell apart. As Ulric, Izzero and Sylvester searched the wagon the following day they found signs of the wagons occupants having feasted on bodies that were in the wagon’s hold with them. Of course said occupants fled during the battle. The three postponed their abstract quest in order to pursue the occupants of the wagon; some for vengeance, others for the safety of Tolm and the Hollow Oak Forest.
What became of Izzero and Ulric is uncertain. Sylvester was drawn away in the night. He dreamed vividly that the silvery mouse apparition returned and burrowed into his mouth whilst he slept, springing up from his slumber he spat the mouse across the camp-site and watched it flee. The ever curious halfling followed the mouse’s dim illumination into the night and became lost, by the time he found his way back to the camp by day Ulric and Izzero were nowhere to be seen.
New beginnings
Imlit had enjoyed the Crusher’s displays of might in the gladiatorial ring, yet she liked him even more now that he had gathered a crew about him and become an adventurer, writing wrongs and building an honourable name for himself. She’d fed him a few leads since then, becoming somewhat of a patron to the scarred dwarf with the magnificent hair.
Having found the the Halfling and heard his tale she decided she would bring Brann and his party to Tolm to do what they can to help whilst she investigated the manor. Bringing the halfling along she was gone in a cloud of smoke once more and appeared before Stormhammer’s crew.
As Sylvester retched from the stomach churning experience (or perhaps the stench of the smoke) she announced:
“If you really want to do some good in this world Brann, I’ve just the task for you and your band! Oh… and look, I found you a new member. A guide, of sorts, with a canny toy!”