Into the Gloam


  • Brann — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave)
  • Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag)
  • Jacob — Half-Orc Fighter (Myk)
  • Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock (Bear)
  • Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid (Gaz)


Deanna informs the party that she will send her ward with them in her stead, to aid them and to ensure they aren’t taking undue risk on her behalf. Brann tells the innkeep of the Ettin’s Den that they’re going and will try to be back as soon as they can but don’t know when. That they haven’t forsaken the town, but they need to rescue friend to be at optimum performance.

The party meet up with Jacob, Deanna’s ward and a strong looking half-orc in chainmail, beneath the Grandfather Oak at twilight. After a brief introduction Ethan sets to performing the new Detect Gloam spell he’s learned as a Ritual. After several minutes pass his ritual is done and he points to the shadows beneath a bow of the Grandfather Oak.

Slyvestor, reckless as ever, is the first to stride into the darkness. The party witness him disappear and as he steps into the Gloam he hears the voice of his patron through Stuart, his mouse familiar, excited to have a servant so close at hand.

As the rest of the companions step through into the Gloam they see what is clearly a distorted parody of Tolm rendered only in greyscale. The twisted, naked tree they stand beneath is bound in chains held by five statues looking away from the tree. Shadows flit between the statues and spring to attack as the party step towards the statues.

The creatures are resistant to most of the attacks the party can land on them and in return their attacks drain the victims strength. Furthermore some of the surrounding fauna begins to move and launch grey needles at the party. Brann is in the thick of things and faces multiple of the creatures, by the time the battle is done he can barely lift the heavy maul he carries and at one point in the battle he feared the creatures would best him. Ethan deftly leaps up onto a chain and walks up to stand with his back to the tree, casting his colourless magic into the fray. Jacob remains mobile and uses his Shocking Grasp to weave between foes early in the fight before taking up his greatsword and carving through some shadows, his chainmail armour deflecting all but one of the blows directed at him. Slyvestor leaps into the thick of the fray illuminating his staff with a Light spell to try and scare off the creatures, unfortunately this only seems to draw their ire and he is swiftly knocked unconscious. Tenoch shifts into the shape of a bear and is able to best two of the shadows before he’s forced to resume his normal form, the final creature lands a heavy blow which weakens him significantly.

With Slyvestor unconscious and both Brann and Tenoch feeling weakened the creatures are vanquished. Tenoch heals Slyvestor and the party are able to assess their surroundings more thoroughly. The alien mirror of Tolm has a small volcano some 6 feet high bubbling lava where the market square’s fountain would sit, the square itself seems to be turned to some darker purpose — a blood encrusted basalt black altar sits atop a pile of skulls and bones. Instead of shops and houses there are small burrows; mounds of compact mud with doors and windows, many of which glow with dim light.

In the doorway of one burrow the party see a small grey-skinned creature waving to get their attention and gesturing them over before looking around nervously. The party head on over to meet the creature who introduces itself as Catch before ushering them inside. As the party look around at the creatures home it begins to mime holding the door tightly shut, then mimes rest. As the party seem to understand what it’s conveying the creature slips out of the door leaving them to recuperate.

Tenoch shares some Braggleberry pie with Brann, after which Brann goes straight to sleep on a bed of cushioned moss. Slyvestor rummages around for food and helps himself to half of the seemingly edible mushrooms before offering the rest to the party.

As they eat the party discuss their situation, they conclude it’s likely that the crossing was/is better guarded than they should expect throughout the Gloam and yet that they should travel cautiously and pick their fights carefully.

With something of a plan of action the party all rest. Jacob takes first watch, followed by Ethan, Slyvestor, Tenoch and finally Brann.