
Here are some details about the campaigns I have run since starting to GM again. Listed in reverse chronological order (oldest last).

Sharp Blades & Strong Bladders (nascent)

A home brew D&D 5e campaign where I try to bring focus to the exploration and social pillars of D&D, and reduce heavy and railroading prep work, by drawing inspiration and procedures from older editions and their modern simulacra.


Skull & Shackles (retired)

A play through of the Pathfinder Skull & Shackles adventure path.

Play reports in the Skull & Shackles category.

Stranger Tales (dormant)

A homebrew D&D 5e campaign in a new world setting using OSR modules and influences. Introducing a new player to the game in addition to the regular crew.

The party are all frequenters of an inn run by a retired adventurer who hasn’t returned from an expedition to find some missing children, last seen heading to the abandoned Shadowbrook Manor.

Play reports in the Stranger Tales category.

Hell’s Rebels (dormant)

A play-through of the Pathfinder adventure path Hell’s Rebels. A fun game! Semi-frequent gripes about the complexity of Pathfinder but overall everyone was having fun. Running Paizo adventure paths requires a lot of preparation and a good memory. The world is rich and detailed, the layout of the books isn’t great (especially reading a single page at a time in the PDF) and the mechanics are complex.

The campaign is paused to allow a friend to try their hand at TTRPG’s without the complexity of Pathfinder.

Play reports in the Hell’s Rebels category.

Lamentations in Lower Franconia

Playing the Lamentations of the Flame Princess campaign Better Than Any Man. After 5 or so sessions the campaign falls apart. The setting is a little grim and I don’t do a good job of managing the sandbox whilst running online via roll20, my players and I also miss the heroic style we usually go for. I realise not all play styles are amenable to online gaming and my first attempt at running a sandbox should perhaps have been a smaller, less demanding, campaign.

Play reports in the LiLF category.

The Fringe

Our first foray into 5e D&D. A fairly generic campaign in our homebrew world where some extreme Druids are trying to stem the onset of civilisation by unleashing a powerful army of extra planar beings into the land. The Druids were being lead astray by the beings who were set on the destruction of all life, not just the razing of some towns. The party unravelled the “intrigue”, converted the Druids and prevented the extra planar army from escaping into the mortal realm.

I wrapped up the campaign to hand the world back to my co-GM as he returned to GMing after some time off (we now alternate running bi-weekly games).

Guardians of Nessel

My first campaign after many, many years. A Pathfinder game in our homebrew world of Avalantia (mostly created and run by my co-GM). Things are not well in a fringe town of Nessel. An NPC from one party member’s background is wreaking havoc across the land but is bested by the party.

The campaign was wrapped up in a hurry as the burden of trying to balance Pathfinder encounters and deal with some rules lawyering soured me on it, I convinced the players to try 5e D&D instead.