Some thoughts on ability score generation

I personally find rolling for ability scores very exciting, but my players don’t seem as keen. I think it’s because they tend to have a character concept in mind and random ability scores often won’t support building that character. This is perhaps a by-product of the way we prepare for campaigns, where the players arrive… Continue reading Some thoughts on ability score generation

Shadowbrook Manor (I)

Party Abram – Human Wizard (Myk). An older man in wizard robes made from Hessian sacks. Keeps to himself. Gallius – Tiefling Bard (Gaz). Red skinned, smartly dressed. A charmer and a story teller. Izzero – Half Elf Barbarian (Dave). A hardy fighter. Earns a living escorting wagons through the surrounding region. Kantor – Half… Continue reading Shadowbrook Manor (I)