Hell’s Rebels Session 12 – An old friend

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James) After the trial the party are all happy with the outcome: Quill got the outcome he wanted for Morgar, it felt right despite the roundabout route. Morgar’s leaving is for his own good. It’s good for that messy business to be over.… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 12 – An old friend

Hell’s Rebels Session 11 – The real saboteur

Present: Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James) The rats swarmed forth from the sewer pipes and attacked the party as the imp turned invisible. A tough battle followed which saw Soldar felled. The creature demanded the party tear up her contract, or forfeit the Halfling’s life. Quill did as asked, tearing up… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 11 – The real saboteur

Hell’s Rebels Session 10 – Uncovering the patsy

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Umo Ankora (James) Morgar Manthai is dragged before the party and questioned. He reveals that he has been hearing voices which compelled him to sabotage the Wasp’s Nest and work against the Silver Raven’s. He last heard the voice coming from a rat in the room Quill and Rexus… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 10 – Uncovering the patsy

Hell’s Rebels Session 9 – Dog fight

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James) The party rest after the excitement in the Devil’s Nursery, Quill and Soldar still smarting from the extractions made by the Tooth Fairies. Dwali had been off following leads on his father’s whereabouts. He had heard rumour of an unsanctioned excruciation, a doghousing,… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 9 – Dog fight

Hell’s Rebels Session 8 – Pulling teeth

Present: Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James) With Zathras’ lifeless body the party return to the Wasp’s Nest and spend several days in mourning. Quill has an armoury made at the HQ and sets to upgrading his firearm, crafting ammunition and stockpiling gunpowder. Forvian Crowe returns with a few of his old company.… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 8 – Pulling teeth

Hell’s Rebels Session 7 – Curiosity killed the Gnome

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Umo Ankora (James), Zathras Zathras (Ben) With no sign of Ista and Dwali investigating a potential sighting of his father (Dave missed the start due to UK TZ switch) Quill and Zathras head to Aria park to meet Forvian Crowe. As they cross the park they overhear a Chelish Citizen’s… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 7 – Curiosity killed the Gnome

Hell’s Rebels Session 6 – We’ve got a leak

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) As the party finish locking up the mercenaries who guarded the Sallix salt works and collected their weapons to return to the Wasp’s Nest they hear a commotion outside and see Dottari are approaching the door. Ista checks the back door and spies a… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 6 – We’ve got a leak

Hell’s Rebels Session 5 – Prisoners of Salt

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) Our heroes took a day to recuperate, purchase equipment, craft ammo, begin investigating the Silver Raven’s document cache and check in on the faithful of Erastil. Whilst they were otherwise engaged the party asked Korva and her sisters to investigate the Sallix Salt Works. The sisters… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 5 – Prisoners of Salt

Hell’s Rebels Session 4 – The Wasp’s Nest

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) At Laria Longroad’s request the party head into the basement of the Longroad’s coffee house to investigate the noises and find out what happened to her acquaintance. The party quickly discover a statue to Calistria, the Elven goddess of revenge and lust,… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 4 – The Wasp’s Nest

Hell’s Rebels Session 3 – A Silver Raven’s cache

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Dwali Fletcher (Dave) After some more poltergeist-like activity with the dire rat’s corpses the party head deeper into the complex beneath the Fair Fortune Livery. They are immediately confronted by what Ista identifies as a Grimple which vomits on Quill. The five Grimple’s defend their nest with magic and rancid special… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 3 – A Silver Raven’s cache