On the lower deck our recently impressed crew members are sharing a drink of rum with Sandara Quinn. Another impressee and a stowaway join the group who commit to try and look out for each other on this hostile ship. Our party are: Corwin: a curious fellow and agent of old Bes Ewan: a young… Continue reading S&S 2: A Pirate’s Life
Category: Campaign
S&S 1: Welcome to the Wormwood
The new recruits wake up on the hard wooden floor of a ships cargo hold, memories of the prior evening implausibly difficult to summon. A dark skinned man with a crimson bandana comes down and threatens the nine people coming to consciousness in the hold — time to get on deck. When there’s some delay… Continue reading S&S 1: Welcome to the Wormwood
Welcome to the Shackles
The Shackles The Shackles are an island chain directly to the south of a never ending hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego. The region is controlled by the Free Captains, the most powerful of whom are Pirate Lords who control the regions major ports and sit on the Pirate Council lead by the Hurricane… Continue reading Welcome to the Shackles
Biting back at the Supplicants
Party Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) With this having been announced as the season finale for my campaign Hag asked Gaz to drive Ethan and Ben asked Myk to drive Slyvestor. When intentions turned to parlay Slyvestor ended up having the most lines… a doubly… Continue reading Biting back at the Supplicants
Stuck in the Gloam with you
Party Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag) Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) Adventure As the creatures close in on the the lantern and the occupants of its light the party scramble to respond to attacks from all sides. The first blows are traded and it… Continue reading Stuck in the Gloam with you
Deeper into darkness
Party Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag) Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) Adventure Catch guided the party away from the village and into the stone-pine forest for several hours before they took a brief rest and discussed how to proceed. They all agreed they want… Continue reading Deeper into darkness
A Lantern in the darkness
Party Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) Adventure As the party pack up their camp Slyvestor plays his lute and sings tales of his misbegotten youth and stealing food from the kitchen of the Ettin’s Den. On the road to… Continue reading A Lantern in the darkness
A drop of colour
Party Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag) Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) Adventure The party are worried about Slyvestor’s state, he seemed to wander into the open arms of the marauders who now lay dead or dying at the party’s… Continue reading A drop of colour
Light before darkness
Party Brann — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Ethan — Elf Wizard (Hag) Slyvestor III — Halfling Warlock/Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid/Barbarian (Gaz) Adventure Arriving in Solemburg via a wrenching late night teleportation the party decide to find a tavern until daylight. Fortunately Tenoch is famliar with the streets of Solemburg… Continue reading Light before darkness
Leaving and returning to Solemburg
Party Bran — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Jacob — Half-Orc Fighter (Myk) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid (Gaz) Adventure Having enjoyed a comfortable tavern for the first time in several days Slyvestor and Ethan sleep in (GM note: the players were absent) whilst the rest of the party head off to the College of Magic in Solemburg… Continue reading Leaving and returning to Solemburg