I was wrong about skills in 5th edition

For almost 3 years now I’ve been primarily running and playing the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. During that time I’ve complained about my dislike for the skill system and recently I decided to spend some time thinking it through and write up some thoughts. As is often the case, the act of thinking… Continue reading I was wrong about skills in 5th edition

Some thoughts on ability score generation

I personally find rolling for ability scores very exciting, but my players don’t seem as keen. I think it’s because they tend to have a character concept in mind and random ability scores often won’t support building that character. This is perhaps a by-product of the way we prepare for campaigns, where the players arrive… Continue reading Some thoughts on ability score generation

Rulings, not rules

For around a year I ran a very enjoyable 5th edition campaign in our homebrew campaign setting. I struggled a bit at first with the “rulings, not rules” motto of 5e (as hinted in a previous post) but have really come to appreciate how 5e has solid core mechanics with simple rules for common actions… Continue reading Rulings, not rules