I was wrong about skills in 5th edition

For almost 3 years now I’ve been primarily running and playing the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. During that time I’ve complained about my dislike for the skill system and recently I decided to spend some time thinking it through and write up some thoughts. As is often the case, the act of thinking… Continue reading I was wrong about skills in 5th edition

Starfinder core rulebook review — character creation, races and classes

This next part of my Starfinder Core Rulebook review starts to dig into the mechanics more deeply as I read through chapters 2, 3 and 4; Character Creation, Races and Classes. (Previous sections of the review are initial impressions and flavour.) Character Creation Let’s start at the beginning of character creation with ability scores. Starfinder… Continue reading Starfinder core rulebook review — character creation, races and classes

Starfinder core rulebook review — first contact

I just picked up the Starfinder core rules as a PDF and here are my first impressions after paging through cover to cover and reading the introduction. Tl;dr: very excited to read more! First contact As usual for a Paizo book the art is great and demonstrates the tone and flavour of the game, from… Continue reading Starfinder core rulebook review — first contact

Some thoughts on ability score generation

I personally find rolling for ability scores very exciting, but my players don’t seem as keen. I think it’s because they tend to have a character concept in mind and random ability scores often won’t support building that character. This is perhaps a by-product of the way we prepare for campaigns, where the players arrive… Continue reading Some thoughts on ability score generation

I’m a leaf on the wind (a few thoughts on Starfinder)

At UK Games Expo (UKGE) a couple of weekends ago my friends and I were able to play some preview encounters of Starfinder, the upcoming Sci-Fantasy RPG from Paizo Publishing. I’ve been looking forward to running a science-fantasy game since before Starfinder was announced when I got excited reading an io9 article about the Aethera… Continue reading I’m a leaf on the wind (a few thoughts on Starfinder)