Hell’s Rebels Session 4 – The Wasp’s Nest

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) At Laria Longroad’s request the party head into the basement of the Longroad’s coffee house to investigate the noises and find out what happened to her acquaintance. The party quickly discover a statue to Calistria, the Elven goddess of revenge and lust,… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 4 – The Wasp’s Nest

Hell’s Rebels Session 3 – A Silver Raven’s cache

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Dwali Fletcher (Dave) After some more poltergeist-like activity with the dire rat’s corpses the party head deeper into the complex beneath the Fair Fortune Livery. They are immediately confronted by what Ista identifies as a Grimple which vomits on Quill. The five Grimple’s defend their nest with magic and rancid special… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 3 – A Silver Raven’s cache

Hell’s Rebels Session 2 – Seeds of a rebellion

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben), Dwali Fletcher (Dave) The rescued man takes the party (now united with Dwali) to back rooms of a bookstore and introduces himself as Rexus Vicotora. His family estate was burned on the Night of Ashes, his parents have gone missing and his last communication from his mother (the head… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 2 – Seeds of a rebellion

Hell’s Rebels Session 1 – A lovely day to riot

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) The three characters each had their reasons to head to the protest in Aria Park (Ista and Quill were meeting a contact, Zathras was tagging along). They spotted a fourth stand-out member of the protest, clad like the Dottari with the Thrune crest scraped off his shield.… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 1 – A lovely day to riot

Hell’s Rebels Intro

The next campaign I run will be the Pathfinder Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, here’s a quick intro and character building info post for my players. Overview Infernal Cheliax is one of the most powerful military nations in the Inner Sea. The national faith is diabolism and Asmodeus, the most powerful archdevil and the only one… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Intro

Playing Pathfinder again

A little over a year ago I backed the Aethera campaign setting, a science-fantasy campaign setting for Pathfinder, on Kickstarter after reading an enthusiastic preview article on io9. Earlier this year our group had a weekend of tabletop gaming to celebrate 20 years of gaming together and the fine folks at Encounter Table Publishing were kind enough… Continue reading Playing Pathfinder again

Challenging the party

My group and I are 12 sessions in to my first campaign as a Pathfinder GM and I finally feel like I’m hitting my groove. One of the most difficult things for me to pick up has been designing effective fighting encounters that are appropriately challenging to the party. Well, about 3 sessions ago I… Continue reading Challenging the party