Tazimack’s Apprentice

Party Brann — Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Sylvester — Halfling Rogue (Ben) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid (Gaz) Adventure The mortician asked the party to leave and said they aren’t welcome. When Brann stated they couldn’t do that his voice became guttural and he commanded his two-headed dogs to attack. Sylvester and… Continue reading Tazimack’s Apprentice

What’s happening in Tolm?

Party Brann — Mountain Dwarf Barbarian (Dave) Deanna — Human Paladin (Myk) Ethan — Moon Elf Wizard (Hag) Sylvester — Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Bear) Tenoch — Lizardfolk Druid (Gaz) Adventure Imlit the Pink transports the new party to Tolm and gives them the mission of finding out why people are going missing. She herself heads… Continue reading What’s happening in Tolm?

Shadowbrook Manor (V)

Party Abram – Human Wizard (Myk) Gallius – Tiefling Bard (Gaz) Izzero – Half Elf Barbarian (Dave) Kantor – Half Orc Cleric (Hag) Sylvester – Halfling Rogue (Ben) Adventure Izzero and Sylvester arrive to the manor and find the rest of the party breaking camp in the butler’s quarters. Kantor suggest the party need to… Continue reading Shadowbrook Manor (V)

Shadowbrook Manor (I)

Party Abram – Human Wizard (Myk). An older man in wizard robes made from Hessian sacks. Keeps to himself. Gallius – Tiefling Bard (Gaz). Red skinned, smartly dressed. A charmer and a story teller. Izzero – Half Elf Barbarian (Dave). A hardy fighter. Earns a living escorting wagons through the surrounding region. Kantor – Half… Continue reading Shadowbrook Manor (I)

Hell’s Rebels Session 12 – An old friend

Present: Dwali Fletcher (Dave), Quill Venger (Gaz), Soldar Dawnbrace (Ben), Umo Ankora (James) After the trial the party are all happy with the outcome: Quill got the outcome he wanted for Morgar, it felt right despite the roundabout route. Morgar’s leaving is for his own good. It’s good for that messy business to be over.… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 12 – An old friend