Hell’s Rebels Session 1 – A lovely day to riot

Present: Ista Alkarr (James), Quill Venger (Gaz), Zathras Zathras (Ben) The three characters each had their reasons to head to the protest in Aria Park (Ista and Quill were meeting a contact, Zathras was tagging along). They spotted a fourth stand-out member of the protest, clad like the Dottari with the Thrune crest scraped off his shield.… Continue reading Hell’s Rebels Session 1 – A lovely day to riot

LiLF Session 5 – To Karlstadt

Present: Montgomery (James), George (Gaz) Szölôs snook off whilst the party watched the circus show and found out that the sorcerers in Karlstadt, the Seven, have a bounty placed on their head by the Bishop-Prince of Würzburg. The party set out for Karlstad as Montgomery has hatched a plan to convince the Seven to help the party… Continue reading LiLF Session 5 – To Karlstadt

LiLF Session 4 – A Circus Show

Present: Montgomery (James), George (Gaz), Hans (Ben) The party leave the orphanage and approach the nearby town of Theidenfeld around 09:00. On the way into the settlement they see a circus but are too exhausted to be interested in it now. Hans helps the party find an inn, the Tipped Mule, and they hear fairly poor lute playing… Continue reading LiLF Session 4 – A Circus Show

LiLF Session 3 – A Grey adventure

Present: Montgomery (James), George (Gaz), Hans (Ben) From his position hidden by the roadside Montgomery sees the Inn is on fire. Heading round to the garage to find water he stumbles on George’s body next to all of the party’s equipment. Montgomery revives George and tells him that he was barely able to get him out… The two… Continue reading LiLF Session 3 – A Grey adventure

LiLF Session 2 – Kill them all and let the lord judge them

Present: Montgomery (James), George (Gaz), Joey (Dave), Frederik (Ben), Thomas (Matt) Another adventurer, Thomas, seeks shelter from the rain at the Incontinent Vicar. The inn-keep, Cameron Fiddlesticks, makes the same offer of shelter and drink as to the rest of the party. He also shares some gossip, including: Some of the guests are merchants selling… Continue reading LiLF Session 2 – Kill them all and let the lord judge them

LiLF Session 1 – a corpse and the Incontinent Vicar

Present: James (Montgomery), Gaz (George), Dave (Joey), Ben (Frederik) The players rolled up characters and found themselves on the road in Lower Franconia, a rural region of Germany embroiled in a war between Catholics and Protestants. Their coach broke down and they’ve spent the day trudging along the road towards Wurzburg. It’s night but a fellow… Continue reading LiLF Session 1 – a corpse and the Incontinent Vicar